A dream we dream, with lots of dreams in our those two awaiting eyes. A wait that has been staying in your eyes for an era since the first disaster that had broken your heart into pieces. And those heart breaks continued you till now, first it was the bullying at school, solicitude, no attention from family, social boycott or love break ups. Everytime it happened you thought there will be someone, and when he will arrive all the happiness will dispatch in your way. Everything will be happy and will stay in glee.....
For the one you waited and waited and waited,,, like a someone waits for water in desert inspite of the acknowledgement of mirage....
And even then you waited and waited and waited.... And eventually he came. And he left too. You broke so bitterly... You haven't ever thought so...
You took your time and moved on. You grew up. You became stronger. You didn't need anyone for your support. Still in your heart not in you eyes, you waited and waited and waited...
Waited for that someone... That someone you thought would complete you... Would fill up all the vacant places.. You forget all the heart aches and breaks you had gone through... And made up your mind... And it Ditch at the right moment.. When you thought he would be...
And your wait was again moved in your waiting wishlist...
And till when this waiting list would remain?? Who would come and put an end to this! Does your half exist? Or you are born to be this way?
“And still not in your eyes and even not in your heart, but the wait still exists somewhere in your broken you, and somewhere in my broken me!”